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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pics Pics and More Pics

He loves action figures.
His new alarm clock! I put Spider-man stickers all over it. Now he knows if the first number on the clock is a "7", he can get out of bed in the morning. But if it's not, then he has to go back to bed. We'll see if this cuts back the times he gets up at 5 or 6 am!
D with his ice cream sundae at Applebee's.

Derrick goofy, Mommy nice.

Mommy goofy, Derrick nice.

My two boys. They get along so well already!

3 crazy kids!
I took almost 30 pics, this is the best one. Trying to get all three kids to cooperate at once is not an easy task!
Oh wait, I do like this one!

Ahhh. Victor was like - "What is going on? Get away from me!"

Happy Baby!

He's starting to really enjoy his bouncy chair. He was talking up a storm when I took this pic. We have good conversations!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dirk!

AH! He's FIVE! Where did that time go? He has been counting down the "sleeps" until his birthday. Then, this morning, I told him when the clock says "7" "4" "1", then you will be 5! He ran upstairs, right at 7:41. So that was pretty neat. He received a bunch of cards in the mail, 3 of which had some cash in it. So we went to do store and he spent part of it. He bought 2 more coloring books - his most favorite activity in the entire world! And a squirt gun that shoots bubbles. Too cute.

We went to Applebee's for lunch. Couldn't pass up my 30% off, plus their 2 for $20 :o) Glad that was where D wanted to go! Stay tuned for pics...

Saturday, March 28, 2009


This has got to be the worst day I've had with one of our kids since Evie was a baby. Victor is normally such a sweet little guy, but today he has turned into a raging monster. He is punching his face trying to get his fist into his mouth to chew on. Tylenol doesn't kick in fast enough, and Orajel shuts him up within seconds, but wears off after just a few minutes. I've never heard him scream like this :o(


The kids are watching a Baby Einstein wannabe video. On there is a Bible that has eyes, hands and feet. Anyways, Derrick sees it and says, "Oh, there's the God book." Ah, I like that. The God book. :o)

Friday, March 27, 2009


He is liking his swing again. Thanks G-Auntie Gwen!

The Two Brothers

He was looking at Dirk when I took this. He is in awe with his big bro!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Evie, out of the blue, said while she was coloring, "Daddy's boring."


Monday, March 16, 2009

Evie Yelling

Check out this video. Mom was trying to get Victor to talk, but listen to Evie yelling in the background. Turns out she stubbed her toe pretty good. But that girl will keep yelling until you acknowledge her.


G and Evie had this short conversation...

G - Evie, do you drive Mom crazy?
E - No, I don't drive. Mommy drives.

Derrick playing Wii

Here's Derrick's first time playing the Wii! It's so funny!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Dolls

Thank you so much Carolann for the dolls! Kyrsten and Eve had so much fun playing with the, and as you can see, I also caught Derrick playing with them too! We tried to name them, but Eve doesn't quite understant that yet, but she did call the tiniest doll "Eyeball." We'll see if that gets changed!

They will remain at G and Papa's house so our puppy doesn't get a hold of them. He's into biting hands off the few dolls Eve has. So until he's over that, these will be her special dolls when she goes to visit mom and dad's house. Kyrsten and Eve had fun giving all of us a modeling show of each outfit!

Cousin Kyrsten

Derrick joining in on the doll playing.

Evie noticed the dolly needed some hair TLC.

Putting on a bib. She played for quite a while with that brown-haired dolly. It also made a crying sound. I asked Eve what that sound was when it cried, she said that the dolly "farted". Oh Evie...

This was cute! Kyrsten's doll was referred to as "Mommy" and Eve's doll was referred to as "Baby". She does the same thing with her big ponies and little ponies!

Rolling Over!

This is my favorite pic of Victor yet!

OMGOSH! Victor rolled over tonight! We tried to get him to do it again of course, but he couldn't get his leg back over, but he got his shoulders to roll over! AH! No leaving him alone anywhere any more!

Soon-to-be Cousin "Kyrstie" and Eve.

GG Powers and Victor's 1st Meeting.
Close-up of D's cake.

Cheesy smile for the camera.

Ahahahaha! Dad found the ice cream Mom hid and he made this smily face in it so she would know he found it :o)
Boy was Derrick surprised at his cake!

I wish I didn't look so "out of it" in this pic!

Uncle Matt and Victor's 1st Meeting.

The Mom and The Sister.

Kids having fun outside.

Victor Talking

Monday, March 9, 2009

Victor's 2 month pictures!

Check out http://www.searsportrait.com/

session id - 41070A12454468
session password - TYBBNCCTW

If you don't have your own login info, you can use mine - carriezeldenrust@yahoo.com and password "carebear". I tried to use the easiest thing to remember for you. Sorry, that's not my password for my email :o)

Pose # 5 (which I believe is the middle of the first row) is what we went with - that's what he looks like the most when he's not smiling. And he wouldn't smile until we changed his clothes back to a sleeper! Little stinker!

Pose #14 (I think it's the 1st one on the 2nd row) is so incredibly like Derrick's 2 month pictures! It's unreal! However, as much as I wanted it because it looked so much like Derrick's, I went with the one that looks most like Victor himself.

Paula always does such a nice job with the kids. She's the only one we have gone to in the last almost 3 years! I can't wait to see her again in about a month when we plan to get an "all kids" picture taken. Then in December we'll get a family picture taken - FINALLY! We still don't have one! We have snap shots, but nothing professionally done.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Ok, now I have a few minutes, until I hear screaming or something!

Again, Victor is doing well. I adore my physician assistant - Deb. She's the one I saw when I went I had those issues after having Evie. She makes me feel like my kids are the best kids in the world. I'm sure she is that way with every patient of hers, but it doesn't feel like that when I'm with her. She probably doesn't see children all that often, as Mankato has so many pediatricians. I think that's why I like her. I can't say enough good about her. I'm so glad we stopped seeing our Peds doc and switched to her. Not that we see her for anything except baby well checkups! I'm trying to remember the last time the kids were brought to the doc for anything other than well checkups - I think this May will be TWO YEARS! I'm very thankful for healthy kids!

Anyways, Victor did have a little cracking in his left hip. He didn't have that at his 2-week checkup, so she wasn't worried. She just said we'll keep an eye on it next time we come in. And I'm incredibly thankful for not needing to get shots this time. I just hate giving kids shots, so I'm glad she was ok with us postponing it until he's 4 months old.

He had a little rash and was super fussy from switching formulas. He seems to be doing better and had 2 8-ounce bottles while I was at work today! I was only gone for 4 hours! Little piggy :o) Hopefully in the next few days he'll be completely back to normal - no fussing - from the other formula.

He's a very happy little guy. I think I'll get his pics taken tomorrow, or all three kids. I really need to get on the ball with that. I have coordinating outfits for all of them, and with Victor growing, I need to get them done before he outgrows it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2 Months Old!

Quick update on stats - he's crying and I'm trying to hold him. I'll write more later!

Victor is now 12# 5oz
23 inches long
Head measures 15 1/2 inches

He did not have shots so we can see Gran and Grandpa in April and not get Gran sick! She's ALMOST DONE!!!