- Norman Vincent Peale
Have you started a money makeover? What are you planning on paying CASH for? What bill are you paying off? Share a bit of your story! No story is too small to share! Real life stories keep Carrie motivated. Catch up on Our Story to see how far we’ve come.
Emergency Fund - $1000 – Stocked
House Fund – WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! We will close May 8th as long as everything goes smoothly! You'll start to see our account dwindle, but I'll keep adding to it as we want new furniture and a play set for the kiddos outside. I'm SO excited! We also need to put an egress window in the bedroom downstairs for the boys the day we buy the house. So, tonight I plan on making a list of things we need in order of priority so I know what to focus on and what we can accomplish buying in a decent amount of time.
- Deposited $9.38 in spare change (I didn't have much, so I didn't make a trip to the bank)
- Deposited $1.94 from Endorse
- Deposited $14.96 from a mystery shop
- Withdrew $750, for home inspection and earnest money
- Deposited $891.17 from my vehicle getting hit
- Deposited 41c in interest
- Currently Saved $8,401.02
The following are the other loans we currently have that will get paid off with the rental income once we get our side rented out and our mortgage refinanced.
Hubby’s Student Loan as of 10/01/2011 $9395
- Outstanding Balance is $8,494.81
My Student Loan as of 10/01/2011 $6480
- Outstanding Balance is $5,817.57