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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

It's been a few days. Kids are the same - crazy running around as usual. I'm ready for it to be warmer so they can get out side!

We'll be heading off to G and Papa's house later tonite, or early tomorrow morning. Depends on if I can get the dog into a kennel or not.

Yesterday I got 3 new dresses for Eve - for $4 total! I was so excited, I've been looking for dresses that will match her dress boots. I found them at the thrift stores of all places! I like to go to those stores and let the kids pick out 2-3 coloring books. They go thru so many of them, and 10-25 cents is pretty cheap entertainment.

For the last 5 days, I have had horrible Braxton-Hicks contractions. I was just about at my wits end yesterday that I was going to call the doc. I see her on Friday, so I'm just holding off until then. But they last for like 12 - 15 hours of the day, coming every 3-4 minutes. So needless to say, I was beyond annoyed. Normally I wouldn't really care, but I'm just over 34 weeks, so if it turned into actual labor, that's a little early, even if I am ready to be done! Maybe we should decide on both names, first and middle, and then we could be completely "ready" for baby to arrive. We'll see...

Well, off to get ready for the day. I am waiting for the camera I want to go on sale, hopefully this weekend! And I'll be able to upload pics and videos of the kids more often! Or at least that's the plan :o)

1 comment:

Kock Fam said...

Wow 35 weeks time goes fast. So favor returned when you would like to drop your kids off for a morning or afternoon of fun just let me know. You guys should let me know when you can come out and have a playdate too. I would love to visit with you.