- Norman Vincent Peale
Have you started a money makeover? What are you planning on paying CASH for? What bill are you paying off? Share a bit of your story! No story is too small to share! Real life stories keep Carrie motivated. Catch up on Our Story to see how far we’ve come.
Emergency Fund - $1000 – Stocked
House Fund – Goal $20,000.00 by 3/31/2013. The house we put an offer in fell through, so we are starting from scratch. I have a new drive to work like crazy and stock pile more savings! We have paid off 1/2 our medical bills and will be reimbursed for them over then next 6 weeks now. Tuition is due at the end of February (hope to use part of our tax return for that). Otherwise, we can start putting all our money back into our House Fund!
According to the bank, we have all we need for our down payment (5% as of Feb 1st) and all the other fees and escrow money. So from here on out it's all extra money to use to fix the new house up or to put a bigger down payment (which is what we're going for).
- Deposited $10.50 in spare change
- Deposited $16.04 from a Mystery Shop
- Deposited $2.90 from Endorse
- Deposited $64 in leftover income.
- Currently Saved $7,846.97
The following are the other loans we currently have, but will put them on the back burner as we save for a house bigger than a 2-bedroom for our family of SIX! We plan on keeping the duplex we currently own, and renting out the side we currently live in, thus earning more money each month that will pay these off for us

Hubby’s Student Loan as of 10/01/2011 $9395
- Outstanding Balance is $8,658.31
My Student Loan as of 10/01/2011 $6480
- Outstanding Balance is $5,937.74

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