Happy 2nd Anniversary, Brett and Elizabeth! I can't believe it's been 2 years already! You had such a beautiful ceremony, I was so honored to be a part of it. I had so much fun! You should have your ceremony again, this time with me not pregnant! :o)
Many happy blessings to you both in the years to come!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Feeling Better
I'm feeling a little better. Not coughing as much, just a few times. And I hardly had any medicine, just some extra love from Mommy and Daddy, and lots of water :o) I woke up this morning so hungry! I still have a little raspy voice, which is kind of cute I'm told, but I'm almost back to my old self. So, I'm sure Mommy will make me take another nap today. She's so mean about that! Even tho I'm sure I need it, I don't want to stop playing toys!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Under the Weather
I'm not feeling too well. Mommy says I have croup. Ick. It hurts to cough. Last night, I got scared when I woke up coughing. So Mommy gave me some cough syrup, and rubbed my chest, back and feet with VapoRub. I feel so much better today! But I have to take a nap, and I don't want to. Will you come by my house and rescue me from my nap?
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
We went and saw Santa Claus! Mommy was able to take one picture of us, and she opted for a picture of us looking at Santa, knowing we would NOT sit on his lap on our own! I wore a shirt that had Santa on it, and I made sure to tell Santa that he was on my shirt! Last time I saw him, he had SpongeBob on his shirt! This time he had teddy bears on him. He was nice. He gave Evie and me a treat! I like Santa now!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas - Round 4
We took the kids up to the dollar store so they could pick out presents for each other. It was so cute! I took Derrick, and Ryan took Eve. They both ended up with a huge box of crayons and Ryan and I didn't know what they were buying for each other! :o) Evie's into polishing her toenails and fingernails, and Derrick got a big truck (pic was blurry). I gave them both a certificate to McDonald's - Derrick was so excited he dropped it! Look closely at the pic :o) McD's is a treat for our kids, usually when we go to G and Papa's house. Not something we do often, so they were excited to be able to get their own french fries!
Christmas - Round 3

Unfortunately, due to the nasty weather, we didn't make it up to Gramma Athman's on Saturday. Instead, we had Christmas at my parents' house then instead of on Sunday so Ryan, the kids, and I could head back early and hopefully beat the nasty snow. (It took quite a while for us to drive home, but we made it, safe and sound.)
Scott, Sarah, Kyrsten & Jeremy...
Matt & Megan...
Marcie & "Daryl"...
Evie and Jeremy...
Derrick and Eve
Christmas - Round 2

Powers' Christmas. 12-21-2007
Kids had fun playing ring-around-the-rosie! My cousin, Heidi, her little girl Naomi (leapord outfit), Marty and Jen's little girl, Dyllan (lime green), Jeff and Kim's little boy Jonah (red outfit, he didn't want to play), Aaron and Annie's little boy Sam (gray and navy shirt), and Evie (pink outfit). They had so much fun!
Evie and Sam had some extra fun. We couldn't find them for a few minutes. Sam's older brother ended up finding them in the men's bathroom - playing in the urnal. Nice Eve. Man that was gross!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Derrick's New Outfit
Sign Up
Hey, if you forget to check up on us sometimes, or if you're tired of checking it 10 times a day to see if I've finally updated - sign up for our email reminders at the bottom of this page. It will send you an email every time I update :o)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
So, I just have a bunch of stuff to say. Nothing important or worthwhile, but it's been a few days since I've written :o)
We are almost done shopping. We are hardly spending any money at all, we told everyone we are trying to pay off debt, so don't buy us anything, bcuz we won't be buying you anything. Sounds mean, but I want our student loans gone. And my family - Matt & Marcie - are both in college = No Money. Scott is going to be laid off here shortly, not sure, but that usually means they will be watching their money also. Ryan's side - Britt and Christine are FINALLY going to get married, and both are in college, so they, I think, were ok with the decision. I just want to spend time with everyone without worrying about who topped who's presents. I don't get home as often as I'd like, so this should be nice.
I took the kids shopping today to get the last bit of Ryan's present. We have a "limit" to spend, so I've been having fun finding coupons and the sale so we can give him the most of what he wants. I've done very well if I do say so myself :o) I've spent 1/6 of what the original prices were :o) And it's stuff he wants! Not just something for him to open.
Ryan wants to wait until the 24th, to further the stereotypical male, to go shopping with the kids. Which I'm ok with. It's not like they are going to wait to get their presents - looking at them all wrapped so nicely, calling their names! And we are just taking them to the Dollar Store to shop for each other. Otherwise I'm sure they'd pick out $50 toys for each other :o) Luckily they are still so young they don't have a clue about money. So $5, equals 5 presents. And remember, as a kid, the more presents the better! :o)
Evie is really learning a lot about putting words together to make sentences! It's so cute. She now only refers to the dog as "Zaley" - no idea where that came from. I guess when it's MommY, DaddY, EvIE, DirkIE, KittY, why not ZaleY??? Only makes sense, right?
Derrick has been a pretty good boy. He's much more fun the older he gets! He's got a sense of humor, and is also incredibly anal. If it's not his way, the toys put back THIS way, he throws a fit!
I'm making Girl Scout Thin Mints for my cookie exchange tomorrow. I forgot how putsy they are! I thought I'd be done with them already, but I forgot they had to be refrigerated for TWO HOURS. So I got some much needed floor cleaning done. I still have one hour to go! Maybe I'll surf the internet more... :o)
We are almost done shopping. We are hardly spending any money at all, we told everyone we are trying to pay off debt, so don't buy us anything, bcuz we won't be buying you anything. Sounds mean, but I want our student loans gone. And my family - Matt & Marcie - are both in college = No Money. Scott is going to be laid off here shortly, not sure, but that usually means they will be watching their money also. Ryan's side - Britt and Christine are FINALLY going to get married, and both are in college, so they, I think, were ok with the decision. I just want to spend time with everyone without worrying about who topped who's presents. I don't get home as often as I'd like, so this should be nice.
I took the kids shopping today to get the last bit of Ryan's present. We have a "limit" to spend, so I've been having fun finding coupons and the sale so we can give him the most of what he wants. I've done very well if I do say so myself :o) I've spent 1/6 of what the original prices were :o) And it's stuff he wants! Not just something for him to open.
Ryan wants to wait until the 24th, to further the stereotypical male, to go shopping with the kids. Which I'm ok with. It's not like they are going to wait to get their presents - looking at them all wrapped so nicely, calling their names! And we are just taking them to the Dollar Store to shop for each other. Otherwise I'm sure they'd pick out $50 toys for each other :o) Luckily they are still so young they don't have a clue about money. So $5, equals 5 presents. And remember, as a kid, the more presents the better! :o)
Evie is really learning a lot about putting words together to make sentences! It's so cute. She now only refers to the dog as "Zaley" - no idea where that came from. I guess when it's MommY, DaddY, EvIE, DirkIE, KittY, why not ZaleY??? Only makes sense, right?
Derrick has been a pretty good boy. He's much more fun the older he gets! He's got a sense of humor, and is also incredibly anal. If it's not his way, the toys put back THIS way, he throws a fit!
I'm making Girl Scout Thin Mints for my cookie exchange tomorrow. I forgot how putsy they are! I thought I'd be done with them already, but I forgot they had to be refrigerated for TWO HOURS. So I got some much needed floor cleaning done. I still have one hour to go! Maybe I'll surf the internet more... :o)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Making Cookies with Mom...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Best Friends

Today, Derrick sat next to Eve on the floor in front of the couch. I was sitting on the couch, wondering what he was going to do. (You never know sometimes!) He leaned over to Eve, and said, "You're my best friend, Evie." Then he tried to hug her - and I thought for sure she was going to smack him or something, just to ruin the perfect moment. But NO! She leaned in and hugged him back. Made my night. My kids are best friends. I hope it stays that way :o)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Old Christmas Pic
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Child Services
One of these days, if my kids don't learn how to talk, I'm going to get a visit from Child Services!
So, Derrick can now say it ok, but up until recently, he would mix up the "p"s and "c"s in popcorn, and call it "cockporn." He loved yelling out our old home's window, "Girls" and "Booty" - later I would figure out he was excited to find squirrels and birdies outside.
Evie calls cookies, "cockies." She has a video that has frogs on it, and instead of yelling froggy - she yells "f*cky". I gave her a spoon one day, and she yelled, "No want spoon. I wanna f*ck." No Eve, you don't. And today, she pulls her pullup on after going potty and kind of got it on weird, and she said, "Ouch. My penis." No Eve, you don't have one, but I have to admit Ryan and I were laughing pretty good at that one. I think it's time to teach Derrick "girl" part names and Evie her parts' names also!
When I went home and stayed at Mom and Dad's, I took Derrick into town with me to get a newspaper. I wasn't going to get him all unbuckled and drag him thru the snow to pick up a newspaper at the storefront. So I asked him if he would be a really good boy and Mommy would run super fast and get the paper and run back to the truck. He looked at me and said, "No Mommy. You go slow. You be careful." Kinda cute - he remembers me saying not to run in the streets :o) So I come back and ask him if he was good while I was gone. With this HUGE smile he yells, "Yes I was! Mommy, I like it when you're sober." WHAT?!?!?!? He said, "Oops, I mean slower." I'm like - when have you EVER seen me drink? I only do that when you're sleeping. Just kidding. Seriously, in the last 4 1/2 years, I've been pregnant and nursing twice, I can count how many times I have had a drink! Ha! I'm so glad no one was around to hear that but me!
Kids. They are so innocent -they have no idea that what actually comes out of their mouths is a naughty word. They are just trying - and it's fun to keep these stories so I can tell them later in life what they used to say!
So, Derrick can now say it ok, but up until recently, he would mix up the "p"s and "c"s in popcorn, and call it "cockporn." He loved yelling out our old home's window, "Girls" and "Booty" - later I would figure out he was excited to find squirrels and birdies outside.
Evie calls cookies, "cockies." She has a video that has frogs on it, and instead of yelling froggy - she yells "f*cky". I gave her a spoon one day, and she yelled, "No want spoon. I wanna f*ck." No Eve, you don't. And today, she pulls her pullup on after going potty and kind of got it on weird, and she said, "Ouch. My penis." No Eve, you don't have one, but I have to admit Ryan and I were laughing pretty good at that one. I think it's time to teach Derrick "girl" part names and Evie her parts' names also!
When I went home and stayed at Mom and Dad's, I took Derrick into town with me to get a newspaper. I wasn't going to get him all unbuckled and drag him thru the snow to pick up a newspaper at the storefront. So I asked him if he would be a really good boy and Mommy would run super fast and get the paper and run back to the truck. He looked at me and said, "No Mommy. You go slow. You be careful." Kinda cute - he remembers me saying not to run in the streets :o) So I come back and ask him if he was good while I was gone. With this HUGE smile he yells, "Yes I was! Mommy, I like it when you're sober." WHAT?!?!?!? He said, "Oops, I mean slower." I'm like - when have you EVER seen me drink? I only do that when you're sleeping. Just kidding. Seriously, in the last 4 1/2 years, I've been pregnant and nursing twice, I can count how many times I have had a drink! Ha! I'm so glad no one was around to hear that but me!
Kids. They are so innocent -they have no idea that what actually comes out of their mouths is a naughty word. They are just trying - and it's fun to keep these stories so I can tell them later in life what they used to say!
I need a new digital camera. So I can post pics. Anyone have an extra one laying around? :o)
Mom loaned me their old one, but I can't find the cord to download the pics off the camera to the computer. I want to take pics of the kids playing outside! (I hate snow). I had a HUGE confrontation with the mean man across the street. Supposedly I parked too close to him so he couldn't get out (whatever, I know there was enough room!). Anyways, I had more "F" words thrown at me than I have ever had in my life, combined! I heard him squealing his tires, so I thought I'd be nice and move my truck so he could get back to work, but when I stepped outside, I was in hostile territory. I let him go off, I picked up my jaw off the ground, and turned around and went back in the house. I actually called the cops to make a complaint, then I decided not to. I have something else in mind. Wish me luck, it involves going over to his front door. Knocking on it. Apologizing (even tho I never did anything wrong, but I'll be the Christian here) and giving him some cookies. Maybe that will make him at least not "F"-bomb me next time. And if it doesn't work, then if there is a next time, cops will be called. This isn't my first "rudeness" encounter with him. And he's offended our neighbors more often than not. Anyways, wish me luck!
Mom loaned me their old one, but I can't find the cord to download the pics off the camera to the computer. I want to take pics of the kids playing outside! (I hate snow). I had a HUGE confrontation with the mean man across the street. Supposedly I parked too close to him so he couldn't get out (whatever, I know there was enough room!). Anyways, I had more "F" words thrown at me than I have ever had in my life, combined! I heard him squealing his tires, so I thought I'd be nice and move my truck so he could get back to work, but when I stepped outside, I was in hostile territory. I let him go off, I picked up my jaw off the ground, and turned around and went back in the house. I actually called the cops to make a complaint, then I decided not to. I have something else in mind. Wish me luck, it involves going over to his front door. Knocking on it. Apologizing (even tho I never did anything wrong, but I'll be the Christian here) and giving him some cookies. Maybe that will make him at least not "F"-bomb me next time. And if it doesn't work, then if there is a next time, cops will be called. This isn't my first "rudeness" encounter with him. And he's offended our neighbors more often than not. Anyways, wish me luck!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Potty Update
Wow - anyone still reading all this potty talk? Evie has done a great job. I found a diaper under a chair, so that's my back up for tonight. Hopefully our diapers arrive tomorrow! She was dry all night last night, except for peeing on the bathroom rug - she almost made it! I'm very happy with her progress! I can't believe how much easier she was than Derrick! He took 18 months! It was beyond rediculous. And I knew he was ready, since he'd take his diaper off and pee on the floor, any floor.
Speaking of Derrick, he's quite the little character. He thinks that any kind of meat (usually a sliced kind) is salami (his favorite). So we were ready Green Eggs and Ham, and he got a kick out of calling it, Green Eggs and Salami. Totally not funny, except when it's coming from a 3-year-old who thinks it's so hilarious he can't stop laughing! :o)
Speaking of Derrick, he's quite the little character. He thinks that any kind of meat (usually a sliced kind) is salami (his favorite). So we were ready Green Eggs and Ham, and he got a kick out of calling it, Green Eggs and Salami. Totally not funny, except when it's coming from a 3-year-old who thinks it's so hilarious he can't stop laughing! :o)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Potty Time!
Mommy got called into school this afternoon, so Daddy had to "watch" us. I think he just took a nap on the chair :o) But when Mommy came home, she looked in my potty chair and asked Daddy if he helped me go potty. He didn't! I went ALL BY MYSELF!
But two hours later I peed all over the toy room floor. Hey, I'm 50/50. But I think I might have this down by the end of the weekend. Mommy really doesn't want to buy any more diapers! And I want to be a big girl.
OH! I had to take a break from writing. I sat on my potty chair, then I screamed with excitement for Mommy! Mommy came to look in my potty chair, I think she thought I put a toy or something in there - but I went poopy! Now I get a WHOLE BUNCH of jelly beans as a treat! I'm a big girl now! I'll have to keep practicing this. I like not being a baby any more!
Luv Evie
But two hours later I peed all over the toy room floor. Hey, I'm 50/50. But I think I might have this down by the end of the weekend. Mommy really doesn't want to buy any more diapers! And I want to be a big girl.
OH! I had to take a break from writing. I sat on my potty chair, then I screamed with excitement for Mommy! Mommy came to look in my potty chair, I think she thought I put a toy or something in there - but I went poopy! Now I get a WHOLE BUNCH of jelly beans as a treat! I'm a big girl now! I'll have to keep practicing this. I like not being a baby any more!
Luv Evie
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Almost a Big Girl!
Mommy is helping me be a big girl! I'm learning how to go potty in my potty chair. I have gone 2 times now. I had 2 accidents this morning before I kind of understood what Mommy wants me to do. I get cookies when I go potty in my potty chair!!! YUMMY! I love cookies. I sat on my potty for 30 minutes before I went potty, because I knew I'd get a cookie! Aren't I goofy? Well, I call them "cockies" - everyone seems to think that's kinda funny. I don't get it. Maybe when I'm bigger. Mommy told me - NO MORE DIAPERS! Well, I get them at naptime and bedtime. But that's it. And as soon as I wake up, I have to run to the potty before I go in my panties. I have pretty My Little Pony panties. I like horsies. I also have some with flowers on them, they are pretty, but I like my Pony ones better. Dirkie is helping me learn too. He's a good helper. Well, I'll keep you updated on my progress!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
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