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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

One Year Old!

I can't believe how this year has gone by already! Victor is growing up too fast :o( Here's a few facts about our "baby"...

He LOVES to play with balls.

He's a fantastic hugger. He'll lay his head on you and say, "huh".

He is in awe with his older siblings and I can tell already he's trying to do the stuff they can!

He giggles just like Dirk did when he is super tired and his laugh is contagious.

He goes to bed SO well. Just hand him his Nuk and lay him down.

He is learning his animal sounds - and moo's at the pics of cows.

If he's not playing with balls, he likes to grab his little board books and "read" them.

He's the second best screamer I've ever heard (second only to his sister).

His favorite food is anything you are eating. :o)

He's a wonderful baby, and I love him to pieces!

Happy 1st Birthday, Victor!

3 kids, not cooperating to take a pic

He was more interested in the spoon than the cake

My big boy!

He had fun smashing the cake with his spoon.

He figured out that picking it up and dropping it made a nice mess

One of the first bites he took, before he realized he doesn't like cake.

See, not a big fan at all.

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Smash Smash Smash

He accidently kicked the cake when I put it on the table :o)

Trying to figure out what that colorful thing is

Daddy and Victor

Mommy and the Sister

Mommy and Victor

Showing off his new toys

This is his last present (he got 3) and even after all the Christmas presents, it was this last one that he finally figured out the whole opening process! lola

He kept picking bits and pieces of the tissue paper off it

Trying to get the toys out without ripping the paper!

He always has to taste test toys.

More Little People! His 2nd favorite toy (right behind a ball!)

Our 3 goofy kids! Getting ready to have Victor open his presents!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

We had a nice day celebrating Jesus' birthday. With singing "Happy Birthday" and eating cupcakes. Dirk thought that Jesus turned 1 today, and Eve said 15. They later changed their minds to 2042 and 55 respectively :o) I love the minds of children, and asking them questions to see what they come up with! It's great!
Ryan and I have had a blast with the Wii (so does Dirk actually)! It's fun to find something in common again instead of the same old stuff every day. Ryan was very surprised to see
The Strike under the tree from Mrs. Claus. And we found out today there is a tournament for that game in New Richmond! Plus he'll get to see Guido H...(something, can't remember his last name) who is a professional bass fisherman! I think that's awesome for him to be able to do that and maybe get some pointers from him in his seminar! This coming year will be so much fun watching Ryan start to really tackle being a professional bass fisherman! Dirk is excited to join dad in his fishing endeavors - as he got new fishing tackle for Christmas! He's already asked if he can go fishing with dad right now. Sorry bud, it's a bit frozen right now, lets wait until it warms up!
He loves balls.

We found one small enough, but too big to put in his mouth.

Dirk got some dart guns.
(They hurt)

Oh did he LOVE this ball!
He wouldn't look at any other presents!

Dirk and his new Transformer book

Eve can't have enough baby ponies!

Kids opening, Victor eating a ball again.

Eve getting ready to rip open the paper!

Eve showing off her new toys

Highly concentrating on how those
little pieces go together.
Victor LOVED this little board book
from G-Uncle Mike, Alyson & Mallory

Dirk showing off his new Transformer
and Bakugan.
(I've officially hit the stage of when my child asks
for a certain toy and I don't have a clue what it is!
Thank goodness for the internet!)
Eve and all her ponies and accessories

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Pics

Victor crawled up into our hat/mittens basket so he could
get to his books :o)
Oh look! Lo and behold,
he's at the door again!

He loves to lay down on blankets or pillows
and hum like he's singing himself to sleep.
Too cute!

Hi Handsome!

Here's the start of lots of Christmas pics! We were on the webcam with Gran and Grandpa, so I forgot to take pics! So I'll take pics of them playing with all their goodies!

Snow Snow Snow

I do NOT live in the right state. We're getting snowed in here in Mankato and are not able to make it to Mom and Dad's for Christmas :o(

I sent the kids outside to play in the 7 inches we received last night, and boy did they have fun! Until Eve's boot fell off in the snow (bet you can't find that picture! lol) and Ryan had to get his shoes on and truck thru the snow to get her.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Eve after she's had her fill of cake batter.

Oh, such a "sweet" girl lol

Eve licking the bowl clean.

One of Victor's favorite things to do is spit.

That boy and his tongue.
And such a cute outfit from Gran!

He LOVES to stand at the door and look outside and giggle.