Yesterday was Ryan's 33rd Birthday! Saturday while he was at work, we made 33 mini cupcakes and frosted them. The kids then each picked out a color of sprinkles and went nuts! Derrick picked red of course (Spider-man, Superman), and Eve went with Yellow (not sure why). We also tried to get the house cleaned up, but failed - but at least we started! Ryan ended up not working that day, so he got the day to do whatever he wanted.
Victor is 8 weeks old today! I can't figure it out for sure, but I think his little tummy is growling. He seems a little fussy, but gives in to sleep after being rocked. But it keeps making little sounds. Just not sure if it's "digestion" or if he's still hungry! We head to the doc next week, so I'll have her give a little listen to his tummy. Ryan was that way when he was Victor's age, and he had to get started on cereal already! Derrick was not quite 3 months when he needed it, so maybe this little guy isn't going to be a little guy at all! And looking to the past, we were wondering if that's why Evie was such a fussy baby - maybe she just needed more food??? Who knows.
Another Derrick-ism - When we were making Daddy's cupcakes, he got out 3 eggs for the mix. And asked me if he could help "hatch" them for me. :o)
ps - I have pics from them swimming, with Gran and Grandpa, and a video for Ryan's bday - AND I CAN'T FIND THE CAMERA! I put it on the counter Saturday night, and it's MIA as of Sunday. :o(